Super Bowl: NFL Gospel Celebration

I’m blogging and watching the action in the backstage gifting suite at the NFL Gospel Celebration! The walls are thumping as the musical acts rehearse — looks like Mary Mary’s on stage now — but we’ve seen some footballers roll through, already! Stay tuned for updates!!

UPDATE, 6:15 p.m.: Buffalo Bill Bryan Scott is cah-yute! As is (the very married) gospel singer James Fortune (below right). Scott spent quite a while at the M-Clip table for some luxury money clips, while Fortune seemed to really dig the Maui Jim sunglasses.

Can’t blame him — I picked up a pair of the shades last year at Emmitt Smith’s debut charity event! Faboosh!!

UPDATE: 6:24 p.m. Mary Mary is jamming up a storm during their rehearsal. Totally bringing the house down, and it’s only practice!!


